LiquidFiles Documentation
LiquidFiles Documentation

List Sent Messages

This API lists sent messages, i.e. messages you have sent. When viewing the sent messages, you can view the list if available messages, or view an individual message. Viewing the individual message will also view the files attached to the message.

Viewing available Sent Messages

Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /messages/sent
Request VERB GET
Request Parameters
Parameter Type Description
sent_after Date List messages sent after YYYY-MM-DD.
sent_in_the_last Integer List messages sent in the last X number of hours.
limit Integer Limit the display of a certain number of messages. On default all messages will be retrieved

Response Parameters

Please see the Message Attributes for a complete list of the Message Attributes in the API response.

Example using curl

curl -s -X GET --user "$api_key:x" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

      "created_at":"2011-07-09 06:51:07",
      "authorization_description":"Only Specified Recipients can access",
      "subject":"test subject",
      "message":"Test Message",
          "created_at":"2011-07-09 06:51:07",

Viewing a message

If you know the message ID (listed above), you can view an individual message.

Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /message/message_id
Request VERB GET
Response Parameters
Parameter Type Description
id String The message ID
sender String The sender of the message
recipients Array All the specified recpients
ccs Array All the cc'd recpients
bccs Array All the bcc'd recpients
created_at DateTime When the message was created
expires_at Date When the message expires
authorization Integer
  • 0: Anyone can download
  • 1: Anyone can download after authentication
  • 2: Specified Recipients and local users can download
  • 3: Only Specified Recipients can download
  • 4: Specified Recipients and Recipient Domains can download
authorization_description String The description of the authorization
subject String The message subject
message String The body of the message
attachments String The attached files with the following parameters:
  • filename: The file name
  • size: The file size in bytes
  • content_type: The content-type for the file
  • checksum: The SHA256 checksum for the file
  • crc32: The crc32 checksum for the file
  • url: The download URL for the file

Example using Curl

curl -s -X GET --user "$api_key:x" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    "created_at":"2011-07-09 06:51:07",
    "authorization_description":"Only Specified Recipients can access",
    "subject":"test subject",
    "message":"Test Message",
        "created_at":"2011-07-09 06:51:07",

In this example, there's one available attachment. Using the URL, you can download the file. Again, using curl:

curl -s -X GET --user "$api_key:x" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Please note that the URL is a one time URL and it will expire after the file has been downloaded. It's not possible to link to individual files without viewing the message.