LiquidFiles Documentation
LiquidFiles Documentation

Client Info Request

When building a API client, this covers how to tell the client what settings should be set or not set in the client. This will make things a lot cleaner as we can avoid server side error messages, and provide client side validation.


Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /account
Request VERB GET
Response Parameters
Parameter Type Description
delete_inactive_user Integer Will delete this user if inactive for # number of days.
user_id string The User ID for this user
email string The Users Email address
name string The Users Name
group String The name of this users Group.
group_id String The Group ID of this users group.
is_local Boolean When true, this user is in one of the Local User Groups.
can_use_messages Boolean True if this user can use the Secure Message Feature.
can_use_filelinks Boolean True if this user can use the FileLink Feature.
can_use_file_requests Boolean True if this user can use the File Request Feature.
can_invite_users Boolean True if this user can use the Invite Users Feature.
permitted_extensions String A comma separated list of permitted file extensions the user is allowed to send. Blank if no limit. If set, these are the only permitted file extensions.
blocked_extensions String A comma separated list of blocked files types. Blank if no limit. Either limit_extensions or blocked_extensions will be set. Never both.
recipient_aliases String A comma separated list of email aliases that the user is permitted to view messages as.
sender_aliases String A comma separated list of email aliases that the user is permitted to send as.
default_sender_alias String If sender aliases are configured, it's possible to set a default sender alias that will then be set here.
Secure Message Related
message_max_size Integer The maximum message size this user is allowed to send in Mb in each message.
message_default_expiration Integer The default number of days the users message will expire at.
message_can_change_expiration Boolean True if the user is allowed to change file expiration time.
message_max_expiration Integer The users max message expiration in number of days.
message_can_change_expires_after Boolean True if the user is allowed to change expires_after.
message_max_expires_after Integer The max number of times a recipient can download each attachment. If you send with permission that anyone can download then max_expires after dictates how many times an attachment can be downloaded between all recipients.
message_default_bcc_myself Boolean True if the LiquidFiles appliance will default to BCC the user on delivery.
message_can_change_bcc_myself Boolean True if the user is permitted to change the BCC myself setting.
message_default_private_message Boolean True if the private message feature is enabled on default.
message_can_change_private_message Boolean True if the user can change the private message setting.
message_default_authorization Integer
  • 0: Anyone can download
  • 1: Anyone after authentication can download
  • 2: Specified recipients and local users can download
  • 3: Only specified recipients can download
  • 4: Specified recipients and recipient domains can download
message_can_change_authorization Boolean True if users can change from the default authorization method.
message_limit_recipients Boolean True if the user is limited to what domains the can send messages
message_can_send_to_local_users Boolean True if the user can send to local users as well as the limited recipient domains.
message_can_send_to_local_users_only Boolean True if the user can only send to local users. Always false for Local Users. Default True for External Users.
message_recipient_domains Array The list of limited recipient domains the user can only send to.
message_recipient_pattern String A Regular Expression that each recipient needs to match.
message_can_use_specified_recipients Boolean True if the user is permitted to set the authorization level of Specified Recipients Only.
message_can_use_specified_recipients_and_domains Boolean True if the user is permitted to set the authorization level of Specified Recipients and Domains.
message_can_use_specified_recipients_and_local Boolean True if the user is permitted to set the authorization level of Specified Recipients and Local Users.
message_can_use_anyone_with_auth Boolean True if the user is permitted to set the authorization level of Anyone (with authentication).
message_can_use_anyone Boolean True if the user is permitted to set the authorization level with no Authentication.
message_can_use_html Boolean True if the user is permitted to send HTML messages.
filedrop_url String If this user has a User Filedrop with a random URL enabled, this is their Filedrop URL, otherwise blank.
filedrop_email_url String If this user has a User Filedrop with their email address, this is their Filedrop URL, otherwise blank.
filelink_default_expiration Integer How many days the users FileLink will expire at on default.
filelink_can_change_expiration Boolean True if the users can change FileLink expiration.
filelink_max_expiration Integer The maximum number of days the users FileLink can expire at.
filelink_default_require_authentication Boolean True if the users FileLinks will require authentication on default.
filelink_can_change_require_authentication Boolean True if the users can change FileLink authentication.
filelink_default_download_confirmation Boolean True if the users FileLinks will send download confirmation on default.
filelink_can_change_download_confirmation Boolean True if the users can change download confirmation.
File Requests
file_request_permission Integer When sending a File Request, if set to 3 the File Request response can only be accessed by the File Request Sender. If set to 2 the File Request Response can be forwarded to other local users.
file_request_multiuse Boolean When true, the File Request Mult-Use is enabled on default.
file_request_multiuse_can_change Boolean When true, the user can change the File Request Multi-Use setting from it's default value.
client_size_override Integer The value (in Megabytes) for API clients (such as the Outlook plugin) when to override the normal client behaviour and send files through the LiquidFiles appliance instead.
client_can_override_size_limit Boolean True if the user can change the value of the api_client_size_override.
client_enable_send_folders Boolean True if the send folders feature should be enabled in the Outlook plugin.
client_custom_settings mixed Copied directly from the users groups custom api settings value.
client_encryption_key String When Encrypting client storage, use this key.

In case the user is presented with an interface (email client plugin, …) these responses dictates what should be visible to the end user. If the user is allowed to change the file expiration, show the control with the listed default parameters. If the user isn't allowed to change file expiration, either grey out or remove those controls.

Example Response

curl -X GET --user gXvoqaFzd1jYQ9f13sPO06:x \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \

    "user_id": "joe-user-company-com",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Joe User",
    "group":"Local Users",
    "blocked_extensions":"exe, vbs, pif, scr, bat, cmd, com, cpl",
    "recipient_aliases": [""],
    "sender_aliases": [""],