LiquidFiles Documentation
LiquidFiles Documentation

Download Log API

With the Download Log API, you can view who downloaded what and when from LiquidFiles.

In difference from most API functions, there's actually 3 versions of the Download Log API, you can either get a Global Download Log for a specific user, a Download Log for a specifc Message or the download Log for a specific FileLink.


Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /downloads
Request VERB GET
Request Parameters
Parameter Type Description
after Date Only list Downloads after a certain date (only works for the global /downloads request).
Response Parameters
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The Download ID.
attachment_id string The Attachment ID of the downloaded file.
message_id String If the file was downloaded from a message, this will contain the message_id.
filelink_id String If the file was downloaded from a FileLink, this will contain the filelink_id.
filename String The Filename of the downloaded file.
size Integer The size of the downloaded file.
content_type String The Content-Type of the downloaded file.
checksum String The Checksum (SHA256) of the downloaded file.
crc32 String The CRC32 checksum of the downloaded file.
downloaded_at DateTime The Date and Time when the file was downloaded.
user_id String The user_id of the file owner.
recipient String The recipient that downloaded the file.
remote_ip String The Remote IP address from where the file was downloaded.
remote_host String The Remote Host and Remote IP address from where the file was downloaded.
download_time String The download duration, in seconds.
download_speed Integer The download speed, in bytes per seconds.
location String The Detection Download Location.
user_agent String The User-Agent of the client that downloaded the file.
browser String The Browser of the client that downloaded the file.
os String The Operating System and version of the client that downloaded the file.
platform String The Platform of the client that downloaded the file.
longitude Number The detected longitude from where the file was downloaded.
latitude String The detected latitide from where the file was downloaded.
country_code String The Country Code from where the file was downloaded.
country_name String The Country Name from where the file was downloaded.
city String The City Name from where the file was downloaded.
region_code String The Region Code from where the file was downloaded.
region_name String The Region Name from where the file was downloaded.

The http response codes are 200 OK if the File Request was successful, and 422 Unprocessable Entity if anything went wrong. In case of an error, there's also an error message with what went wrong.

Example Creating a File Request using curl

curl -X GET --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \

API response

    "remote_host":" (",
    "location":"Ryde, New South Wales, Australia",
    "user_agent":"Safari (12.0.3) - Macintosh (OS X 10.14.3)",
    "browser":"Safari (12.0.3)",
    "os":"OS X 10.14.3",
    "region_name":"New South Wales"