LiquidFiles Documentation
LiquidFiles Documentation

View File Shares API

Request Info
Info Value
Request URL /shares/_share_id_/folders/_folder_id_/files/_file_id_
Request VERB GET
Response Parameters
Parameter Type Description
id String The Unique ID for the share.
folder_id String The ID for the parent folder.
name String The Name of the Share.
size Integer The size of the file in Bytes.
size_to_human String The size of the file in human readable format.
content_type String The Content-Type of the file.
checksum String The SHA-256 Checksum of the file.
crc32 String The CRC32 Checksum of the file.
av_scanned Boolean If the file has been AV scanned or not.
av_infected Boolean If the file is AV infected.
deleted Boolean If the file has been deleted or not.
created_at DateTime When the file was created
update_at DateTime When the file was last updated

Example Request in JSON

curl -X GET --user nkpIxMK9ucUUE7FvfNpdAf:x \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \

Example Response in JSON

    "name":"Goals 2017.docx",
    "size_to_human":"22 KB",