LiquidFiles Documentation
LiquidFiles Documentation

Localization of LiquidFiles Outlook Plugin and Windows Agent

All the resources are now customizeable with XML files. We have hardcoded default localization into our application and will continue to do so based on your feedback. However you can add your own resources, and that includes ability to change not only text but icons and position/size of elements too.

Version Text only Text and icons All resources

How to change and debug localization for an existing language

  1. (Optional). Add registry policy NoXmlResourceManagerLocalizationCache=1(DWORD). See Registry configuration for more details. This will prevent LiquidFiles from caching resources, so you would not need to restart Outlook and LiquidFiles Windows Agent each time you change the resource files.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file into %appdata%\LiquidFiles folder, e.g. file paths should be like this C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\LiquidFiles\Resources.V3\LiquidFiles.WinUI.Base\ButtonCaptions.resx. Note: the location C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\LiquidFiles can be determined by SharedDataFolder policy as described below.
  3. Change resources and remove unnecessary ones. You might need to restart Outlook and LiquidFiles Windows Agent between edits to verify your changes. Use NoXmlResourceManagerLocalizationCache Registry policy to minimize restarts.
  4. We suggest that you only keep changed resources. Remove all unchanged resources, which includes root/data nodes in .resx files. However, do not remove root/resheader nodes in .resx files, otherwise the files cannot be read by .NET resource reader.

How to add localization for a new language

  1. Define new list of languages. You need to set Languages registry policy to a comma-separated list of languages in Alpha-2 format. LiquidFiles Agent will use this list of languages in the specified order. To add a Japanese locale ja as the first option before existing localizations, you need to seet the registry key like this Languages=ja,en,es,fr,de,is,it,nl,ru,sv
  2. Make a copy of necessary resource files with the new resource suffix. For example, make a copy of ButtonCaptions.resx with file name ButtonCaptions.ja.resx.
  3. Edit resources as necessary.
  4. Restart LiquidFiles Windows Agent and Outlook to verify the new resources.

How to deploy localization

  • Deploy to a shared folder: use registry policy SharedDataFolder to specify a shared folder with resources. Copy Resources.V3 folder to that folder.
    Example: if the policy value is \\server\share\sharedfolder, then the file paths should be like \\server\share\sharedfolder\Resources.V3\LiquidFiles.WinUI.Base\ButtonCaptions.resx
    The shared folder can also be a local path, e.g. z:\sharedfolder
  • Deploy as a ZIP file: zip the resources, including Resources.V3 folder, so the directory structure of the ZIP file resembles the one of downloaded resources. Then, use registry policy SharedDataFolder to specify either path to the ZIP file (such as UNC path \\server\share\sharedfolder\, or URL to the file http://myserver/shareddata/liquidfiles/
    In either case, LiquidFiles will download and unzip the file, and will be using the resources. Note: it might take an additional restart of Outlook and Windows Agent before the resources become available after initial download.

A few other translation resources:

  • You can use this official Microsoft resource to look up how to translate OK, Cancel, Subject, Message and other strings in context), according to industry standards: